Are you looking for a WordPress plugin with the ability to change your page into a member area?

DigiMember boasts of the ability to this. 

Can one take their word for it? You can see for yourself in this post.


DigiMember is a powerful, easy-to-use membership plugin that turns any WordPress website into a fully working member area! Install and activate the plugin, and you’ll have your own member site in minutes…complete with password-protected material accessible only to your members! Integrate a payment processor and sell memberships completely on autopilot!


Digital products, video courses, product downloads, subscription systems, lead generation, online congresses, niche magazines, employee training are all possible with DigiMember.

General Features of DigiMember:

Easy to useDigiMember is a simple WordPress plugin to set up! It simply takes a few minutes to set up and is quite straightforward.

Secure protection of your contentDigiMember safeguards your material by preventing illegal access to your sites and articles. It doesn’t matter  if it’s a single page or a series of courses.

Unlimited products: You may make as many items or membership levels as you like. You have complete control over which products your protected material belongs to.

Easy integration: Whether it’s an existing page or a brand-new WordPress page, DigiMember makes it simple to connect your old and new material.

Adaptable Design: Content is available for free or for a fee. You get to choose whether you want to offer your subscriptions for free or for a fee (combination possible, too).

Monitoring of payments: If no payment has been made or a rate has not been paid, DigiMember verifies incoming payments from the payment source and instantly disables access.

Time-controlled activation: Define the frequency with which your user’s member pages are active, such as weekly or monthly.

Interfaces to payment providers: Integration of payment providers is simple and quick. Activation of your material is fully automatic after payment is received.

E-mail marketing integration: Maintain a direct line of communication with your members and consumers! DigiMember allows you to add new members to your email marketing program automatically.

Examinations and certificates: Exams produced by you are available to your members. A customized certificate will be sent to members who pass the exam.

Download manager (safe): DigiMember can help you protect your eBooks and other digital content. You choose how long and how frequently your download items (such as eBooks) are available to customers.

Protecting content sections: You want to show off a piece of your material to pique the interest of your visitors? No issue, DigiMember allows you to share specific portions of your sites while protecting the rest.
Temporary accesses: You get to choose how long your members may use your items! Whether for a few days, a few weeks, or indefinitely.


Personal addressing

You may address your members directly using DigiMember! In the member section, greet new members by name and use their names in the text and headers wherever possible. It only takes a few lines of short code in the right locations!

Sequential activation (subscription)

At pre-determined intervals, unlock content for your members and consumers! You determine when a page or a post should be automatically enabled. You may do it on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis, or you can create your own custom activation schedule!

Protection of download products

Safeguard your digital downloads! You may encrypt the URL of your download files and limit the quantity or duration of your downloads using DigiMember’s safe download vault.

Individual page content

Actions may be created using DigiMember. You may choose which type of reaction should be triggered under certain circumstances. You may, for example, send an e-mail to your subscribers once they log in or view a specific page for a set amount of time. You’ll be able to generate highly targeted and precisely timed offers as a result of this.

Action-based Marketing

Display the content on your members’ personal pages! You may, for instance, display buyers of product “A” an advertisement for product “B,” and vice versa! Customers that have purchased products “A” and “B” do not get any marketing materials! As a result, you approach your members in a targeted manner while blocking unwanted advertising for the others.

Exams and Certificates

Allow your members to take an exam based on the information you’ve already presented to them. You may give each member a certificate if they pass your exam.

Download Manager (Vault)

You can secure your downloads with the Download Manager. The link to the download product will be sent only to your customers! You may also choose how frequently and within what time frame your items should be accessible for download.

Go to the sales page for more of the features…

Now, what do you think of the DigiMember offer? Get it here!

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